22 January, 2008

Leaving Atalaya

Contact with the Rio Unini is looking good! We arrived yesterday and with the few names of people who might be helpful, have secured permission and transportation to a community on the Unini called Diamante Azul. We met the president of the local indigenous organization today. He is on his way to a neighboring community this afternoon and we will meet him there to get the documents that should help us gain entrance into the community. He is from Diamante Azul and still has a house there that he offered to us. All of this should make for a smooth first contact! Please continue praying for the other requests mentioned in my previous post; we're still just getting started.

From Jeff's parents:
Jeff started this update on January 14,2008 but didn't have the opportunity to post it before leaving. We spoke with him this morning. Diamante Azul is a colony instead of the indigenous community they were expecting. He and Jose are staying in an abandoned house in Azul and make a fifteen minute walk to Cascada, a nearby an indigenous communiity, where they are making contacts and hoping for permission to live. Cascada had an election of a new president yesterday who seems to be more in favor of them staying. They have been visiting with a local man, Luis, who has been very open and receptive. However, he has a small house and seven children which would make it difficult for them to stay with him. If they are unable to stay with a local family they may continue to walk there each day. This is not ideal as they will not be able to share a home and meals while they work beside the local people.

Please pray:
for Jeff and Jose to receive permission to stay in Cascada
a family to stay with in Cascada
a steady supply of food