31 December, 2007

To the Unini!

Out with the old, in with the new! To kick off the New Year, I have got a new partner and a new assignment. Corey and his new partner, Fausto, will continue the work we started on the Tigre, while José and I take on a group of Asheninca who live on or near the Unini River. The change came as an unexpected surprise when José and Fausto, two Ecuadorians who just finished training, decided to stay on the team.

That being said, José and I will hopefully leave sometime this week. It will be another short trip since we have to be back for our Xtreme General Meeting (XGM) at the end of February. We will take a lancha to Atalaya and look for contacts and a way up the Unini from there.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray that God will send us someone to introduce us in one or more of the communities there and that we find acceptance among the people.
  • We have no way of choosing a specific community until we arrive in Atalaya, so pray that God would guide us to the people He has been preparing.
  • Also, we will once again be dependent on the people to provide our food and shelter.
  • Finally, staying for long periods of time where there are no other believers can be spiritually taxing. Please pray that God would provide for our spiritual needs as well.

--At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ… that I may make it clear.
Colossians 4:3-4

19 December, 2007

Ok, This is What Happened

The lancha finally left for Intuto, where we spent the next 8 days waiting for another one that would take us further up-river. By the time the boat finally arrived, we were about stir-crazy. We had been travelling 25 days, waiting to share the stories that were burning in our hearts with people who had never heard. We had decided to go to Paiche Playa, because all of our sources said that there had never been anyone there to share the good news. After so much waiting and praying, the last day of the trip seemed surreal. Would the apu (chief, more or less) reject us? Would we find a "man of peace" to share his home with us? Would we see a whole community come to Christ with joyful celebration like what we had heard about in other places?

All of these questions raced through our minds as we stepped off the boat. Some friendly people from the lancha offered to help us carry our bags, but we politely turned them down. A man from the community approached us. "This is it," I thought. "This is the moment we've been waiting for and training for for so long." Before either of us could say anything, however, one of the men from the boat quickly explained for us that we were missionaries and were going to stay there for a month. My eyes, I am sure, turned into saucers. I just knew that this man's bluntness would get us rejected. One of us quickly explained that we would like to speak with the apu to ask permission.

"The apu went out to tend his crops," the man told us, "but you can stay in Giovani's house until he comes back." He showed us the way and introduced us to Giovani, who had recently cut himself in the foot with a machete and couldn't go out to his crops. We settled down in a corner to wait as the pressure slowly lifted off of us for the time being. We tried to occupy ourselves for the rest of the afternoon while watching Giovani whittle some paddles out of boards that he had laying around.

Carlos (who met us at the boat) and Giovani

As the sun was setting, the people began returning from their fields, so we set off to find the apu. He greeted us in the darkness as we climbed the steps to his house. We sat down and explained why we had come and how long we planned to stay. "That's great," he said. "We've been waiting for someone to come and preach to us. All of the other preachers always just pass by on their way up river."

I couldn't believe my ears! They had been waiting for someone to come and preach to them! It seemed like a dream come true. The next morning they had a community meeting, and at the end we explained to everyone why we were there. They decided to have meetings 4 times a week to learn stories, starting the next day. They also decided that we should continue staying at Giovani's house and have the meetings there.

About thirty people showed up for the first two stories. After that, interest began to fade. One week, no one showed up. Then, we had a handful renew interest, and went the last two weeks without telling a single story. We left Paiche Playa December 1 a bit frustrated that we could not tell all of the stories we wanted to, but nonetheless hopeful for our next trip. We found what appears to be good soil. Blessed be the Lord of the harvest!

At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ… that I may make it clear
Colossians 4:3-4

14 December, 2007

Post Paiche Playa Prayer Petitions

Look for a more complete update soon!

Prayers Answered:
  • Upon arrival in Paiche Playa, a well respected man named Giovani welcomed us into his home and fed us until we left. Praise God for His "man of peace!"

  • We found churches in 6 of the 12 TQ communities!

  • Nearly all of the TQ´s speak Spanish as well as either of us, which means they were able to understand our stories without waiting for us to learn their dialect.

  • We survived our trip without any major illnesses or injuries.

Prayer Requests:
  • The people of Paiche Playa live their lives enslaved to alcohol and materialism. Pray that God would break the hold these desires have on them.

  • Carlos and Giovani showed up and actively participated in all of our stories. Pray that God would grow the seed that was planted.

  • Some of the existing churches on the Tigre mistrust each other and fight over territory spreading a bad testimony among unbelievers. Pray that these believers would open the lines of communication and humbly seek to work together in love to reach their communities.

  • Our future plans are still very unclear. Pray that God would grant us the foresight to know how we can best serve Him.
Paiche Playa
At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ… that I may make it clear
Colossians 4:3-4